Gen Alpha, Gaming & Toys - Market insights, audience habits & consumption

Gen Alpha, Gaming & Toys - Market insights, audience habits & consumption

Gen Alpha, Gaming & Toys - Market insights, audience habits & consumption Gameloft for Brands

Video games are the preferred entertainment of Generation Alpha kids. Parents, who grew up with gaming, now embrace it as a positive family bonding experience.

With an average player age of 38, parents understand the benefits and dynamics of gaming, fostering communication, collaboration, and lasting memories within the family.

The intergenerational connection and the "Kidult" phenomenon further strengthen family ties as adults continue to play games and buy toys, reliving cherished childhood memories.

This shift in the parent-child-gaming relationship creates a nurturing environment where gaming is a weekly positive sharing moment.

Video games have transformed from mere entertainment to a powerful tool that brings families closer together, bridging the generational gap and creating unforgettable moments of togetherness ; An ideal positive moment for brands to reach and engage kids & parents.