Academy Dragon
March 11, 2022

The Academy Dragon! 

Read the secret knowledge of expert Dragonologists about the history of the Academy Dragon. At the time of writing, this dragon has not yet graced Dragolandia with its presence… but there is hope that this dragon could become part of your collection very, very soon! 

Expert Dragonologists know there is more than one Academy Dragon. The very first one was Hogwin Hogvanhog's research partner shortly before he established the Dragon Academy on the island of Numa. This Academy Dragon became a mascot of the school, patrolling the halls, assisting and entertaining students, and curling up to sleep in Headmaster Hogwin's office...

When Dragon Training fell out of favor and the Academy lost its funding, students and teachers were sadly forced to leave. Many, including Hogwin, offered to care for and shelter the Academy Dragon, but it refused - choosing to roam the Academy's empty halls and protect forgotten knowledge from thieves. Even as the hallowed building collapsed around the Academy Dragon, it guarded the rubble, chasing Vikings from the site over their several invasion attempts... An immovable testament to loyalty! 

After Hogwin's rescue from the hands of the Dunkelviking, the Dragon Academy was restored, but its eponymous dragon was nowhere to be found. Instead, a single egg was discovered...which soon hatched into an Academy Dragon! Much like its predecessor, this brave dragon is dedicated to protecting the new Dragon Academy, vowing to guard it from harm, forevermore! 

Historians have even provided sketches of this dragon... but who knows what the real creature might look like?! 

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