The Events of March
February 25, 2023

The Events of March! 

Hello, Dragon Trainers! Here's the lowdown on the upcoming events for the month of March.


Week of February 27- 6 March

Week-long events:

Bottomless Dungeon with the Carmine Dragon! Dungeon Shop: Wind-Up Dragon.

Movie Marathon: Lean back and tune in to claim epic prizes and useful rewards, just by watching in-game ads!

Cake Craze with the Snow Sport Dragon.

Dragon of the week: Flutterby Dragon! Its parents are the Witch and Jungle Dragons.


Feb. 27 – Mar. 27: New Sigil Campaign with the Leopard Print Dragon.

Feb. 27 – Mar. 3: Clan Siege!

Mar. 1: Food Frenzy!

Mar. 3-6: Golden Opportunity with the Rock Snake Dragon and a Power Boosters event! 

Mar. 1-31: Dragon of the Month: Breed Mishiyo throughout the month with the Elements Wind, Water, Metal and Void. 


Week of March 6-13

Week-long events:

Bottomless Dungeon with the Blue Bloom Dragon! Dungeon Shop: Gentleman Dragon.

Otto's Lotto with pieces of the Circus Dragon!

Dragon of the Week: Rosie Dragon! Its parents are the Tornado and Rainbow Dragons.


Mar. 6- 27: Treasure Hunt with the new Moss Boss and Earthen Ghost Dragons, as well as the Gem and Fenrir Dragons.

Mar. 6-9: Gem spending event with the Jade Dragon as a milestone reward and the Femme Fang Dragon on the Leaderboard!

Mar. 6-10: Dragon Race!

Mar. 8: Enchanted Trinket Frenzy!

Mar. 9-13: Dragon's Delight! Milestone: Pyramid Dragon. Leaderboard: Gem Glow Dragon.

Mar. 10-13: Dinner Time with the Bubble Dragon!


Week of March 13-20

Week-long events:


Bottomless Dungeon with the sparkling Glitter Dragon! Dungeon shop: Shamrock Dragon.

Movie Marathon: Sit back and tune in to claim epic prizes and useful rewards—just by watching in-game ads!

Cake Craze with the brand-new Leprechaun Dragon. Lucky!

Dragon of the Week: Touchdown Dragon! Its parents are the Lightfish and Razor Dragons. 


Mar. 13-17: Clan Siege!

Mar. 15: Gold Frenzy!

Mar. 17-20: Golden Opportunity with the Dile Dragon (VIP) and Farming Fanatic with the Clover Dragon!


Week of March 20-27

Week-long events:


The Castle Event returns with the Stone Totem and Hermes Dragons! 

Otto's Lotto with pieces of the Cappuccino Dragon!

Bottomless Dungeon with the Fluffspot Dragon! Dungeon shop: Zombie Dragon!

Dragon of the Week: Cherry Blossom Dragon! Its parents are the Dust and Honey Dragons.


Mar. 22: Food Frenzy!

Mar. 24-27: Golden Gatherer with the Jinqiu Dragon and Dinner Time (VIP) with the Pineapple Dragon.


Good luck, Dragon Trainers!

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