Update 54 is set to go
August 10, 2022

We’ve been together for 54 updates now, through thick and thin, through challenges and successes. How time flies when you’re having fun!

For this update, we’re coming in strong, with a new feature, yet another new event, expansion of the Sniper Fury narrative universe, and much more!



This is a new type of special event where you will need to compete by using a new type of energy and getting currencies for killing as many enemies as possible and not dying for a period of time. 

Instead of killing a particular amount of enemies by a given time, you will now have to kill as many enemies as the timer is increasing and the amount of enemies and complexity grows exponentially. 

The bigger the score, the bigger the rewards at the end of the event. 

The event will introduce two new currencies: Battle Spoils and Honor Points. The Battle Spoils are used to purchase items in the Survival Shop and the Honor Points are used to upgrade the Survival Weapons.



We have brand new & interesting characters entering the Sniper Fury Universe! 

Commanders are a special consumable feature that can be collected through blueprints and activated for a limited amount of time. 

A few examples of commanders' perks: increase avatar and base defenses’ HP, reducing the energy required per event attack, decrease special ops duration, and many more!

Each Commander character has assigned rarities, which impact their accessibility in sources, price, and power of bonus effect.

The rarity list:

  • Legendary
  • Epic
  • Rare
  • Uncommon
  • Common

You will be able to find them as event or league rewards and in bundles or packs.



There is a whole bunch of new themes coming to Sniper Fury, some of which were picked by you, our vigilant community!

  • Detectives
  • Civilians
  • Mutants
  • Robots
  • Rockstars
  • Tactical Diving Soldiers


  • We’re going back to the old formula of having fewer Mega Events and more Exotic Events. 
  • Minor fixes targeting crashing issues on Android.
  • The issue where the Warlord: Undivided didn’t count in BattlePass challenges has been fixed.
  • A DLC (minor update) indicator has been included to notify you whenever we upload new content.
  • Starting on the 8th of August, we will discontinue our operations for the Huawei store, and the game will no longer be available. 



I hope you warmed up your detective skills! Something is not right in the Sniper Fury Universe. Our main character took it upon himself to start an ultra-important investigation and analyze every detail there is. 

He organized every clue and event within a Holoboard and he is determined to get to the end of this.


The good part? You can join the #Holoboard Investigation, too! Just keep an eye on our social channels and official website for the upcoming weeks. A lot of surprises are on their way!

Here’s to another SF Update! Cheers!

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