Banner: A classic Ad format that rewards creativity
Twenty-eight years ago, AT&T invested for the first time in online advertising and created a banner -including a message in the world-wide-web. The Call-To-Action said something like: “Click here now.” With that, the online banner was born. This ad was the pioneer in the online and mobile marketing world and the original matrix for all other digital advertising formats to follow. Despite all the innovations and creative possibilities, the banner has not lost its effectiveness since 1997. A banner displayed in-game can match particular game genres and be programmed to show up when the gamer is most likely open to experiencing it. For example, the banner can appear just when the gamer has successfully completed a level or a mission – and is in a good and positive mood. Thus, the user does not perceive the ad as disturbing but is unobtrusively integrated into the gameplay.
The banner format also has effective and robust results: Gameloft for brands’ reports show a good CTR of 3.91 percent for all banners booked and displayed in the game environment. MOAT, the platform for marketing data and analytics, confirms good visibility of 69.5 percent for the banner format in the Gameloft network (compared to 67.1 percent for competitors). In addition, all ads displayed in Gameloft’s games appear in a brand-safe environment. There is no user-generated content in-game. Furthermore, we have strong licensee partners that draw additional layers and levels of security to protect the game experience from damaging settings and messages (e.g. Disney as a partner in the Disney Magic Kingdom or LEGO Star Wars: Castaways).
Is a banner bland? Au côntraire! Classic never gets outdated. No one would call a Burberry trench coat or Birkin Bag boring. However, a classic needs to keep up with the upcoming modern challenges. In-game ads allow brands to reach a vast mobile gaming community, with ads smartly being displayed when the user is more receptive to viewing them. In moments of relaxation and positive mood – the right timing is the key. The banner’s design, the ad’s core message, and the fit between the advertised product and the gaming genre are essential factors in the creative process and in designing an online- and mobile banner ad that will turn the experience with the brand memorable.
If you want to step up your game, click here and learn more about our In-game advertising solutions