Gaming audience explained

Gaming audience explained

Gaming audience explained Gameloft for Brands

After 40 years and several technological, economical, and editorial advancements, the video game market has become the world's biggest entertainment industry with 3,2 billion players around the world. Now gaming is part of the pop culture, with massive, diverse, and engaged audiences offering great opportunities for brands.


So who are they?


First of all, not only men: female gamers make 45% of the total gamers’ audience worldwide. 


Regarding age split, only 20% of gamers are younger than 18 y.o, 38% are between 18 and 35 y.o., and 42% are older than 35 y.o.


Gamers spent an average of 8.45 hours a week playing video games in 2021, according to Statista Report. 


Videogames give an opportunity to reach the exclusive young audience: gamers are 81% of generation Z and 77% of Millenials.


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Gaming personas method allows taking a closer look at different types of gamers. 

As per GlobalWebIndex, six different personas can be distinguished:

  • Mobile-only,
  • Casual gamers,
  • E-sporters,
  • Socializers,
  • Cloud gamers,
  • Influencers


They differ in their demographics, interests, use of social media, motivations and preferences. 


For example, mobile-only gamers – those who don’t play on computers, handheld devices or consoles – have a higher ratio of females to males. The other five personas all have a similar ratio of around 60% males, although there is an important difference to note when segmenting by income. With this, higher-earning females are more likely to be every type of gamer compared to lower-earning ones.


Want to learn how to engage those different audiences or build an effective marketing campaign for gamers? 


Contact us and we’ll do the rest! 


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