Examining the Synergy between the Gaming and Cosmetic Industry (Report)
The intersection between the gaming and cosmetic industries has become increasingly prominent, captivating audiences across all age groups.
The hygiene and cosmetics sector has experienced positive evolution since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. There has been a surge in consumer interest in lifestyle and health considerations. The emphasis has shifted towards the well-being, sustainability, and health benefits of chosen hygiene and cosmetic products.
Interestingly, the gaming community has become a focal point for cosmetics brands, recognizing the vast opportunities within this dynamic medium. Our study confirms that 52% of cosmetic and beauty product fans are more likely than the general population to buy brands they have seen advertised in a game.
As cosmetic brands progressively venture into the gaming realm, they are introducing virtual cosmetic elements for character customization—a feature enthusiastically embraced by the gaming community.
This report delves into the symbiotic relationship between the gaming and cosmetic industry, exploring how brands can strategically target gamers, including developing products designed to protect users from blue light, an emerging concern in the gaming sphere.